Monday, January 17, 2022

Essays on emotional intelligence

Essays on emotional intelligence

Most notably, Ruderman et al. It helps people to know their own strengths and use them wisely. However, it was popularised by American Psychologist Daniel Goleman One of the main elements of emotional intelligence is self-awareness. Emotional […].


More to this, Serat argues that high EI people are more optimistic, affable and resilient than people who have lower EI. Over the years, analysts have drawn a fine distinction between Intelligence Quotient and Emotional intelligence while stating that people with high EI are able to cope and relate with others better than people who have high IQ but are devoid of high EI levels. Analysts agree that EI is important. However, essays on emotional intelligence, they are yet to device ways through which IE can be measured, essays on emotional intelligence. Admittedly, EI is a complex issue that has been the debate of numerous debates.

One thing that analysts seem to agree on is the fact that EI is a combination of emotional and cognitive abilities. In managers, the authors argue that high EI is a tool that enables conflict resolution to take place more easily and effectively that would be the case if the manager had low IE levels. According to GolemanEI has varied competencies, some which has a clear relation, while it is still unclear about how some of the competencies are related. The author suggests that self-awareness produces social awareness and self control. The two on the other hand are responsible for breeding social skills in a person.

According to arguments presented by different authors, this essay holds the opinion that EI unlike IQ is not a pre-programmed quality in the brain. One gets the impression that some of the qualities of EI can be deliberately acquired. Further, the author states that self-awareness can be learnt. This then means that a person with low EI can still work at developing the same to higher levels. In addition to self-awareness, Mersino suggests developing accurate self-assessment skills. Citing Daniel Goleman, Mersino identifies self-assessing people as those who are conscious of their strengths and weakness; reflect and learn from past experiences; open to feedback, lessons, perspectives and beneficial comments; and possess a sense of humor towards their achievements and failings.

Citing GardnerGoleman identifies seven categories of intelligence. Goleman however associates EI with emotional competence, which he argues is responsible for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Under self awareness, a person develops emotional awareness, self-assessment skills and self-confidence. Under self-management, one gains emotional control, essays on emotional intelligence, transparency, optimism, initiative, adaptability and transparency. Under social awareness, one develops service orientation, organizational awareness and empathy.

Under relationship management, one is able to relate with others, develops conflict management skills, and is able to develop inspirational leadership skills, in addition to team working skills Goleman et al, Ruderman essays on emotional intelligence al. As such, the authors identify a need for highly intelligent people to develop their EI capabilities in order to be able to relate well with other people. Most notably, Ruderman et al. Because of their skills and competencies, they look down on other people who are not as skillful as they are, and if put in managerial positions, are essays on emotional intelligence likely to command people under them rather than essays on emotional intelligence work teams where strengths can be shared.

According to Ruderman et al. They suggest that the first step to developing IE is coming to terms with ones emotions. The next step would be to deliberately guide thoughts and actions towards a particular identified path. While the importance of intellect was not underrated in workplaces, the same in management positions was seen as a complementary attribute. This calls for proper people engagement through talking and listening, influencing decisions and laying a good environment for consensus building. The manager is also responsible for putting people working under him or with him at ease. This means he can be quick to anger and lashing out at other people. Generally, people who are self-aware have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and are therefore more willing to seek assistance beyond their strengths.

Emotional intelligence no essays on emotional intelligence seem to be the missing link that would lead to success on a personal level as well as success in the workplace. No one wants to be around a person who cannot quite grasp the extent of essays on emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses. More to this, as much as people admire a skillful person, they detest such a person if he or she cannot pass on the skills to others or better still, a person who is patient with people who are not as equally gifted. As the different authors covered in this essay agree, emotional intelligence is indeed the bedrock of better relationships.

More to this, he is able to respect others for what they can do. In an organizational setting, high EI people are relied upon as moderators and people who are capable of fostering good working relationships based on understanding, essays on emotional intelligence. They are also able to foster harmony, continuity and stability. Cherniss, C. The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure, and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups, and organizations, essays on emotional intelligence. Goleman, D. Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional intelligence. Boston: HBS press. Mersino, A. Emotional intelligence for project managers: the people skills you need to achieve outstanding results. New York: AMACOM Div American Mgt Assn.

Ruderman, M. Making the connection leadership skills and emotional intelligence. LIA journal. Serat, O. Understanding and developing emotional intelligence. Knowledge solutions, essays on emotional intelligence 1 Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Emotional intelligence. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Emotional intelligence specifically for you!

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Mayer, John D. et al. Psychological Inquiry , vol 15, no. Informa UK Limited , doi Yamey, Gavin. BMJ , vol , no. BMJ , doi Is emotional intelligence really intelligence? It helps people to know their own strengths and use them wisely. Also, self-awareness allows leaders to sense the emotions of others and use them in the right direction. Therefore, self-aware leaders often build strong working teams. It is a feature of a strong and effective leader or a manager. Buy Research Papers In High Quality. You might also be interested in Article Critique.

For example, in many school I had to do many projects where I was required to work with other group members. Any group project is a challenge because of different working styles and approaches to complete a certain assignment. However, once in my group, I was working with a person who demonstrated confidence and intelligence. On our first group meeting, she assigned each member of a group a task to complete by deadline. Even though, some members performed weak results on their individual tasks, the leader of our group managed to incorporate others and complete their part more thoroughly. Self-awareness is a great quality of a leader. Citing Gardner , Goleman identifies seven categories of intelligence. Goleman however associates EI with emotional competence, which he argues is responsible for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.

Under self awareness, a person develops emotional awareness, self-assessment skills and self-confidence. Under self-management, one gains emotional control, transparency, optimism, initiative, adaptability and transparency. Under social awareness, one develops service orientation, organizational awareness and empathy. Under relationship management, one is able to relate with others, develops conflict management skills, and is able to develop inspirational leadership skills, in addition to team working skills Goleman et al, Ruderman et al. As such, the authors identify a need for highly intelligent people to develop their EI capabilities in order to be able to relate well with other people.

Most notably, Ruderman et al. Because of their skills and competencies, they look down on other people who are not as skillful as they are, and if put in managerial positions, are more likely to command people under them rather than create work teams where strengths can be shared. According to Ruderman et al. They suggest that the first step to developing IE is coming to terms with ones emotions. The next step would be to deliberately guide thoughts and actions towards a particular identified path. While the importance of intellect was not underrated in workplaces, the same in management positions was seen as a complementary attribute. This calls for proper people engagement through talking and listening, influencing decisions and laying a good environment for consensus building.

The manager is also responsible for putting people working under him or with him at ease. This means he can be quick to anger and lashing out at other people. Generally, people who are self-aware have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and are therefore more willing to seek assistance beyond their strengths. Emotional intelligence no doubts seem to be the missing link that would lead to success on a personal level as well as success in the workplace. No one wants to be around a person who cannot quite grasp the extent of his strengths and weaknesses.

More to this, as much as people admire a skillful person, they detest such a person if he or she cannot pass on the skills to others or better still, a person who is patient with people who are not as equally gifted. As the different authors covered in this essay agree, emotional intelligence is indeed the bedrock of better relationships. More to this, he is able to respect others for what they can do. In an organizational setting, high EI people are relied upon as moderators and people who are capable of fostering good working relationships based on understanding. They are also able to foster harmony, continuity and stability. Cherniss, C.

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