The burning of coal and wood, the presence of many horses in concentrated areas, long essay on environmental pollution, made the cities the first sources of Pollution. Well, we will understand all these things through the essay. Every other day some other industry is being established. The fall-outs of long essay on environmental pollution, pall of smoke, industrial effluents and the swirling gases are a constant hazard to health, contaminating and polluting both water and air. In fact, many cities in the world have been forced to chalk out strategies such as odd and even, where vehicles ply on odd or even days based on their registration numbers just to curb the growing air pollution in such cities. You must be logged in to post a comment.
Short and Long Essays on Environmental Pollution
It includes history, sources, types, effects and control measures for environmental pollution. You can also read a detailed article on Pollution — What is Pollution? Complete Guide Click Here. Mixing of contaminants into the natural environment, which causes an adverse change in the environment, is known as environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can take the shape of chemical substances or energy, like noise, heat, or light. Pollution is usually classed as the beginning or non-point source pollution. InPollution killed 9 million people within the world.
Significant sorts of environmental Pollution include Pollution, light pollution, littering, sound Pollution, plastic Pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, Pollution, visual Pollution, long essay on environmental pollution, Pollution. Air pollution has always accompanied civilizations and has been a significant lead in environmental Pollution. The creation of metal forging has played a crucial turning point in creating severe air pollution levels outside the houses. Core samples of glaciers in Greenland show increases in Pollution related to Greek, Roman, and Chinese metal production.
Long essay on environmental pollution burning of coal and wood, the presence of many horses in concentrated areas, made the cities the first sources of Pollution. The economic Revolution brought an infusion of untreated chemicals and wastes into local streams that served because of the water system. The burning of sea-coal was banned in London long essay on environmental pollution King Edward I of England after its smoke became a problem; the fuel was so prevalent in England that this earliest of names for it had been gained because it might be carted far away from some shores by the wheelbarrow.
It was the economic Revolution that gave birth to environmental Pollution as we all know it today. London also recorded one among the sooner extreme cases of water quality problems with the excellent Stink on the Thames ofwhich led to the construction of the London sewerage system soon afterward. Pollution issues escalated as an increase far exceeded the viability of neighborhoods to handle their waste problem. The reformers claimed the demand for sewer systems and clean water. The large quantities of coal were consumed by the emerging factories giving rise to unprecedented Pollution. This led to an enormous volume of chemical discharge, which added to the growing load of untreated wastes — the first two American cities Chicago and Cincinnati to enact laws ensuring cleaner air in In the early twentieth century, environmental Pollution became a severe issue as progressive reformers took effect with Pollution caused by coal burning.
Pollution caused by inadequate sanitation and street pollution caused by the three million horses who worked in American cities in the s generated vast quantities of urine and manure. Nuclear weapons continued to be tested within the conflict, especially within the earlier stages of their development. Though extreme care has been taken but still disastrous, incidents like those at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, long essay on environmental pollution, and Fukushima pose a lingering specter of public mistrust. Worldwide publicity has been intense in those disasters. Widespread support for ban treaties has ended most nuclear testing within the atmosphere. Pollution introduced by light in the dark is becoming a global problem, more severe in urban centers, but also contaminating vast territories, distant from towns.
Increasing evidence of global and local Pollution and public information available over time has given rise to public awareness, long essay on environmental pollution, which has to lead to the environmental movement to limit the human impact on the environment. Read more about — Air pollution. Air pollution may be a mixture of solid particles and gases within the air. Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen, and mold spores could also be suspended as particles. Ozone, a gas, maybe a significant part of Pollution in cities. When ozone forms Pollution, it is also called smog. Some air pollutants are poisonous. Read more about — Plastic Pollution. Plastic Pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles e.
Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro — or macro debris supported size. Read more about — Soil Pollution. Soil is the thin layer of inorganic and organic materials that covers the rocky surface of the Earth, which gets polluted because of the persistent toxic compounds, salts, long essay on environmental pollution, radioactive material, etc. which has an adverse effect on the health of the soil. Read more about — Water Pollution. The contamination of water bodies because of human activities is known as water pollution. Water bodies include, for instance, lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, and groundwater; the release of waste and contaminants into surface runoff flowing to surface waters groundwater pollution from waste disposal and leaching into the bottom, including from pit latrines and septic tanks; eutrophication and littering.
It includes urban runoff long essay on environmental pollution agricultural runoff, which can contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides; also including human feces from open defecation—still a severe problem in many developing countries. Read more about — Radioactive Pollution. The dangerous Pollution is defined as the release of poisonous substance because of the results of freedom of radioactive materials into the environment during nuclear explosions and testing of atomic weapons, the weapon of mass destruction production and decommissioning mining of radioactive ores, handling and disposal of radioactive material, and accidents at nuclear power plants.
There are adverse effects of Pollution on all living organisms on Earth. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory illness, disorder, throat inflammation, pain, and congestion. Pollution causes approximately 14, deaths per day, mostly thanks to contamination of beverage by untreated sewage in developing countries. Nearly million Chinese lack access to a safe beverage. A analysis estimated that 1. The WHO estimated in that Pollution causes half 1, deaths per annum in India. Studies have determined uncommon diseases that the number of individuals killed annually within us might be over 50, Also read — Rainwater Harvesting. The Toxicology long essay on environmental pollution Environmental Health Information Program TEHIP at our National Library of drugs NLM maintains a comprehensive toxicology and environmental health internet site that has access to resources produced by TEHIP and by other government organizations, long essay on environmental pollution.
This links to the database, bibliographies, and tutorials are included in the internet site. Environmental pollution management Solutions termed pollution control, to control emissions and effluents into the water, air, or soil. The waste products generated from various types of human activities like agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation, overconsumption, heating, etc. with pollution control, whether they accumulate or disperse, will degrade the environment. Within the long essay on environmental pollution of controls, pollution prevention and waste minimization are more desirable than pollution control.
Within the field of exploitation, low-affected development long essay on environmental pollution be a similar technique to prevent urban runoff. Essay Article Festival and Event India United States Speech Letter Writing, long essay on environmental pollution. Complete Guide Click Here Essay on Environmental Pollution Words Contents 1 Essay on Environmental Pollution Words 2 History of Pollution 3 What Are Sources of Pollution? Air Pollution 4. Plastic Pollution 4. Soil Pollution 4. Water Pollution 4.
Radioactive Pollution 5 Effects of Environmental Pollution 6 Environmental Health Information 7 How to Control Environmental Pollution? Very good Reply. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email Website Δ.
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which has an adverse effect on the health of the soil. Read more about — Water Pollution. The contamination of water bodies because of human activities is known as water pollution. Water bodies include, for instance, lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, and groundwater; the release of waste and contaminants into surface runoff flowing to surface waters groundwater pollution from waste disposal and leaching into the bottom, including from pit latrines and septic tanks; eutrophication and littering. It includes urban runoff and agricultural runoff, which can contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides; also including human feces from open defecation—still a severe problem in many developing countries. Read more about — Radioactive Pollution. The dangerous Pollution is defined as the release of poisonous substance because of the results of freedom of radioactive materials into the environment during nuclear explosions and testing of atomic weapons, the weapon of mass destruction production and decommissioning mining of radioactive ores, handling and disposal of radioactive material, and accidents at nuclear power plants.
There are adverse effects of Pollution on all living organisms on Earth. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory illness, disorder, throat inflammation, pain, and congestion. Pollution causes approximately 14, deaths per day, mostly thanks to contamination of beverage by untreated sewage in developing countries. Nearly million Chinese lack access to a safe beverage. A analysis estimated that 1. The WHO estimated in that Pollution causes half 1,, deaths per annum in India. Studies have determined uncommon diseases that the number of individuals killed annually within us might be over 50, Also read — Rainwater Harvesting. The Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program TEHIP at our National Library of drugs NLM maintains a comprehensive toxicology and environmental health internet site that has access to resources produced by TEHIP and by other government organizations.
This links to the database, bibliographies, and tutorials are included in the internet site. Environmental pollution management Solutions termed pollution control, to control emissions and effluents into the water, air, or soil. The waste products generated from various types of human activities like agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation, overconsumption, heating, etc. with pollution control, whether they accumulate or disperse, will degrade the environment. Within the hierarchy of controls, pollution prevention and waste minimization are more desirable than pollution control. Within the field of exploitation, low-affected development may be a similar technique to prevent urban runoff.
Essay Article Festival and Event India United States Speech Letter Writing. If anything unwanted generated due to human activities enter this otherwise pristine environment, this phenomenon is termed as environmental pollution. Some of the major human activities causing environmental pollution are industrialization, deforestation, urbanization, nuclear spills etc. Often the production industries are set up near the natural water sources as water is a major resource for several kinds of industrial works.
Water is used as coolant and also used for purposes like cleaning, washing etc. But also the waste produced by industries is dumped into the water bodies resulting in their pollution. It is very necessary therefore to prevent any damage to the environment and natural resources caused by the human activities. Environmental pollution is a global threat and it must be prevented by making new laws and implementing them with full diligence. The term environmental pollution is used to describe the contamination of environment by external substances called pollutants. These pollutants are generated due to human activities and could be in gaseous, solid or liquid state, depending on their respective process of generation. Gaseous pollutants include gases like Carbon dioxide CO 2 , Carbon Monoxide CO , Sulphur Dioxide SO 2 generated due to the combustion of fossil fuels.
These gases are toxic in nature and harmful to breathe in, when present in the atmosphere in large quantities. Solid pollutants include industrial waste and waste from human settlements. They consists of all types of solid compounds like plastic, metal, wood, leaves, etc. Solid pollutants not only cause land and soil pollution but also reach our water bodies and pollute them. Liquid pollutants on the other hand consist of oil and other petroleum products, chemicals, acids etc. The main source of liquid pollutants is petroleum and fuel production industries.
Environmental pollution has an adverse effect on the vital resources like air, water and plants as well as on the health and life of humans. Air pollutions causes respiratory ailments while the pollution of water bodies leads to water borne diseases. Soil pollution also causes contamination of soil affecting the crop production in that particular area. There is an urgent need to control the environmental pollution by effectively controlling the production of pollutants by adopting more environment friendly policies. Use of more eco friendly fuel sources and proper collection and disposal of waste are some of the methods that could be adopted to control environmental pollution. When an unwanted toxic substance enters our otherwise pure environment, it is termed as pollution.
Environmental pollution is serious threat to the environment and its resources. Ironically, almost all of the causes of environment pollution are human induced. Below we have presented some important pollution facts for kids, to improve their knowledge. Though, the pollution affects the environment and the health of flora and fauna; it is the children who are more susceptible to it health hazards. We must take necessary steps to curb pollution in order to safeguard the health and future of our children. Environmental Pollution refers to the introduction of external pollutants into the environment.
These pollutants are primarily generated from several human activities like transportation, industrialization etc. Environmental pollution has many effects on the environment. Some of the major effects of environmental pollution are described below. Global warming refers to the rise in average surface temperature of earth. The main reason of global warming is the greenhouse effect which in turn is caused due to a large concentration of green house gases into the atmosphere. Gases like Carbon dioxide CO 2 , Water vapor H 2 O , Methane CH 4 and Nitrous Oxide N 2 O are green house gases and emitted mainly due to the fossil fuel combustion.
Acid rain is another environmental degrading effect of pollution. It refers to a rain or a kind of precipitation that is acidic in nature with more concentration of Hydrogen ions, in other words the pH level of Acid Rain is low. It is very harmful to the plants, aquatic species and buildings also. The main human induced causes of acid rain are nitrogen and sulfur compounds generated due to activities like generation of electricity, meat production industries and transportation. One of the most serious effects of environmental pollution is species depletion both on land and in water.
Water pollution severely impacts the quality of water, making it toxic and harmful to live in for the aquatic animals like fishes and tortoise etc. Also, smoke or harmful gases such as sulphur, nitrogen and carbon released as residues from the industries get mixed with air and contaminate it. Vehicles — Use of vehicles has become rampant and there has been a massive growth in the last decade. Though the use of vehicles has benefited us in a larger way, the emissions from the vehicles have led to a massive increase in air pollution. In fact, many cities in the world have been forced to chalk out strategies such as odd and even, where vehicles ply on odd or even days based on their registration numbers just to curb the growing air pollution in such cities.
Also, the immense use of petroleum fuels has led to the depletion of fossil fuels from the soil further depleting the resources available to mankind. Agricultural Waste — Due to the ever-growing population, the demand for agricultural products has increased manifold. This has led to the rampant use of pesticides and chemicals in order to increase the productivity. However, this practice has its share of effects on the environment. For instance, the cotton belt of Punjab in India has been boon for the cotton industry, but at the same time, people living in this region have been found to suffer from different forms of cancer due to the large use of pesticides and chemicals in this area.
Population overgrowth and technology advancements have all led to the increase in demand for resources for optimum survival. However, we must not forget that the environment has been forced to pay a huge price for the same and we all should be responsible enough to do our bit in order to curb the ever-increasing environmental pollution or else, it may be difficult for future generations to even survive on this planet. Better methods such as the use of solar energy, wind energy and other ecologically safe technologies can surely be considered an an alternative in order to live in a healthy and pollution free environment. India is the second most populous country in the World and home to over 1. It is a land of gorgeous and spectacular landscapes, abundant natural resources, and one of the most sought after holiday destination.
The Indian government has declared a state of emergency for environmental pollution in the urban areas. The level of dangerous and toxic pollutants in the air, water and soil has gone way above the safe limit. Heavy industrialization, urbanization and some age old practices like burning agricultural waste have equally contributed to the miserable environment condition in India. New Delhi, the capital of India, made global headlines recently when it turned up in the top 10 most-polluted places on earth. Supreme Court of India has imposed a ban on old petrol and diesel vehicles in Delhi.
Despite numerous efforts by the government to manage polluting emissions from the industries and use alternate traffic mechanisms, the air condition continues to deteriorate. The major sources of air pollution are traffic, power plants, industry, burning waste, cooking using wood and charcoal. Emission of greenhouse gasses poses a real time threat to the concentration of toxic elements in the air. As the industrial sector in India is witnessing a prolific growth. As a result soil pollution is becoming a major concern in all parts of the country. Soil pollution poses an alarming threat to agricultural productivity, food safety, and human health. The area of fertile land is deteriorating every passing day by the use of chemicals for gaining better produce. The growth of cities in India has used soil as a sink for perpetually greater amounts of municipal waste.
Large amount of land is wasted as dumping grounds both within and at the outskirts of cities. These dumping grounds can be seen treated as pastures for cattle which can result in numerous health hazards. In India, we are not new to water pollution. Agriculture is the prime necessity for the country and apparently environmental impact on the climate has hugely affected the monsoons. Huge amount of waste, including metals like lead, toxic chemicals coming from Industries is dumped in rivers and water-bodies.
The largest source of water pollution in India is the untreated sewage water. Some villages in India still practice defecation in the open which further pollutes the nearby water bodies. Ganga and Yamuna are ranked amongst the top 10 the most polluted rivers in the world. Noise pollution is another burning issue of Modern India. Traffic congestion on roads, maddening sounds of honking horns, factory sirens, shuddering sound of the running of machines and loud sound of loudspeakers majorly contribute to the tremendous increase in noise pollution. Environmental pollution has resulted in the outbreak of so many health issues for an average Indian.
India signed the historic Paris climate agreement on 24th November along with Nations at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. India has committed itself to the effective implementation of the Paris agreement on climate change. Prime Minister of India Shri. India has also signed an agreement with Germany on technical cooperation under the Indo-German Energy Program — Green Energy Corridors IGEN-GEC. As plastic is a major pollutant, the State Government of Maharashtra has compete ban on plastics bags from 23rd June The notification issued by the Maharashtra state government banned manufacturing, usage, sale, circulation and storage of plastic materials such as bags, spoons, plates and other disposable items.
The ban also includes packaging material and thermocol. However the plastic used for packaging of medicines and drugs, milk and treatment of solid waste is exempted from the ban. Stringent laws are enforced to control Noise pollution. Various NGOs Non-Government Organizations are working day and night to educate the average Indians about the ill-effects of pollution on their mental and physical health. The Government is running rigorous campaigns through television, movies, print-media and other such outlets to encourage people to practice environmentally friendly lifestyle. One cannot deny that the polluted environment in urban India is a ticking time bomb. Prolific industrialization for growth of the National economy has apparently put at risk even a breath of fresh air in the Indian cities.
Lack of public participation in the implementation of stringent laws to fight environmental pollution is another huge concern. The public health in India is at serious risk. The Indian government is working to implement the solutions on a larger canvas, for example, switching to clean energy, regulations to reduce the emissions of harmful pollutants, and campaigning to spread acquaintance about the adverse effects of environmental pollution. The most significant aspect is encouraging the Indian people to give away their age-old practices which are by and large hazardous to the environment. Pollution as defined by the dictionary is the introduction or presence in of a substance that is harmful or has poisonous effects on the environment. Pollution is further explained as the introduction into the natural environment contaminants that can cause an adverse change.
To be basic, environmental pollution causes harm to the environment and which in turn brings harm to people in the environment. The occurrence of environmental pollution is when the surrounding is contaminated by pollutants; this brings about some changes that adversely affect our regular lifestyles. The key components or elements of pollution are pollutants and they are majorly waste materials of very different forms. Pollution brings about a disturbance in the balance of the environment and the ecosystem. Development and modernisation have brought with them a sharp increase in pollution and this has given rise to various human illnesses and most importantly global warming. There are many various forms of environmental pollution including water, air, radioactive, soil, heat, noise and light.
For every form of pollution, there are two sources of pollution; the non point and the point sources. It is very easy to monitor, indentify and control the point sources of pollution while the non-point pollution sources are quite difficult and hard to control. Industries from all around the world even though they have brought affluence and prosperity have continually disturbed ecological balances and have probed the biosphere. The fall-outs of experiments, pall of smoke, industrial effluents and the swirling gases are a constant hazard to health, contaminating and polluting both water and air. The inappropriate disposal of industrial wastes has become a source of both water and soil pollution.
The chemical wastes from the various industries can cause pollution to rivers, lakes, seas and also to soil and air through the release of fumes. Commercial and household wastes are sources of environmental pollution when the wastes are not disposed of properly. Vehicles that use diesel and petrol emit smoke and also the smoke that is emitted by cooking coal pollutes our environment. The exponential growth in the number of vehicles on the roads has only aided the emission of smoke that when released spreads and eventually mixes with the air that we breathe. The smoke of these various vehicles is quite harmful and is the primary cause of air pollution. There is also the risk of sounds from these vehicles producing noise pollution. The rapid rate of urbanisation and also industrialisation are major causes of environmental pollution because of the harm and death they bring to plant which causes harm to animals, humans and the ecosystem.
The rapid population increase especially in developing nations, the demand for occupation, basic food and shelter has been on the rise. Due to the high demand, deforestation has become rampant to help meet the growing demand of the population. The continual combustion of fuels of fossils is as source of pollution to the soil, the air and water through toxic gases like Carbon monoxide. Pesticides and fertilizers that are used during agriculture are major sources of environmental pollution. This is probably the most dangerous and common form of environmental pollution and it has been seen to be synonymous with urbanisation.
The primary reason for this is the high rate of fuel combustion. Fuel combustion is now a very basic requirement for transport, cooking and some other activities both domestically and industrially. All these activities release a large number of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and are not removed from the air, affecting and threatening our existence. Sulphur oxide is released into the air by the smoke and this makes the air very toxic. This is primary caused by smoke from factory stacks, chimneys, vehicles or even something very common like the burning of a log of wood. The emission of sulphur oxide and many other gases into the atmosphere leads to global warming with the capacity to lead to an acid rain.
The emission of these greenhouse gases and the global warming it causes has led to droughts, erratic rains and increased temperatures worldwide. Conditions and ailments like Bronchitis, Asthma and the extremely dangerous case of lung cancer and this occurs majorly in the cities. An example of one of the many sad examples of the calamities that can rise due to air pollution is the gas tragedy of Bhopal. The gas tragedy was a result of the release of a gas methyl isocyanate at a gas plant. About 2, people lost their lives in the tragedy and more than , people suffered from extensive respiratory problems.
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