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Prohibition essays

Prohibition essays

However, the Bible frequently mischaracterizes these other…. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Human Prohibition, prohibition essays. Works Cited Braswell, Prohibition essays. Alcohol, Reform, and Society: The Liquor Issue in Social Context. However, the Bible frequently mischaracterizes these other… In Exodusthe song sung by the Israelites, asking who of "our Lord" is better" among the Gods" suggests a sense that there are other gods present in the world, albeit not superior to their own, liberating force.

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In a world without an overarching authority to govern behavior, states agree to certain rules of engagement to interact with the international community as equals. As a result, international law has evolved from a variety of sources as a conglomeration of norms and agreements. The primary sources of International Law include explicit forms such as…. There were multiple resulting effects of prohibition, prohibition essays. A nation of law abiding citizens changed into law breakers. Nobody followed the law due to speakeasies, prohibition essays, bootleggers, and moonshiners.

If anything, prohibition made people want to rebel more. Flappers were a good example of rebelling people. One mutual reason that everyone shows in a debate if Marijuana should be legalized or not is that it stimulates insanity. For shoppers of cannabis, once the drug is illegitimate and penalties are supported grams in possession,…. The Great Gatsby really explained and…. Marijuana, one of the most commonly used substances in the world, is a psychoactive drug that comes from the Cannabis plant. There are many different nicknames that marijuana can be referred to as, including pot, prohibition essays, weed, Mary Jane, ganja, flower, or bud; all of which describe portions of the Cannabis plant which likely originated in….

Prohibition came approximately on the 16th of January and was abolished by prohibition essays, merely 14 prohibition essays ages subsequently. There were many grounds that this happened. Prohibition is the forbiddance of a certain substance from prohibition essays certain country or state, prohibition essays. In America the instance was intoxicant. Merely after the war many anti intoxicant and barroom parties…. Prohibition essays were young ladies, usually dressed in different styles. Prohibition did not achieve its goals. Instead, it added to the problems it was intended to solvewhich is actually true because since alcohol was seen as the devils advocateprohibition came along to try to put an end to all the crimepoverty and the rest of the problems of America….

During the years of Canada had a brief moment of prohibition, prohibition essays. During this period in time drinking alcohol was considered illegal. As a prohibition essays many negative and positive side effects had taken place in the country. One of the biggest controversies of the twentieth century is the eighteenth prohibition essays. Mississippi was the first state to pass the bill of prohibition. From there on out the entire country followed in Mississippis lead in the crusade of prohibition. The eighteenth amendment was a law, prohibition essays, which tried to reform and protect the American people….

In case you can't find a relevant example, prohibition essays, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Social Issues Law Prohibition. Essays on Prohibition We found 12 free papers on Prohibition. Prohibition on Elephant Ivory Prohibition. Effects of Prohibition on Nation Prohibition. Obscure Prohibition of Marijuana Marijuana Prohibition. The Prohibition Era Essay Prohibition Temperance movement. Only certified experts. The Legalization of Marijuana: Ending Prohibition Marijuana Prohibition. Why Did Prohibition Fail Research Paper Prohibition.

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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. How Prohibition LED to a Rise in Organised Crime and Corruption words 4 Pages. On January 16th , America went dry. In the Corruption Organized Crime Prohibition. Al Capone, Alcoholic beverage, Bribery, Crime, Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Form of crime, New era of illicit activity, Organized crime, Prohibition in the United States, Volstead Act. UN Committee Assignment Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Professor Larrinaga January 16, Course: Model United Nations History The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW is an autonomous international organisation that came into force in Although the organisation originated fairly One of the countries that assume high responsibility as far as drug control in the world is concerned is the United State of America.

The country has invested heavily in combating the vice of drug abuse and peddling, aside from establishing an international wide network Adoption of a set of prohibitionist policies, American government, Prohibitionist drug policies. Liquor ban in Bihar was one of the important decisions taken by the Chief Minister of Bihar in the favour of weaker section of society of the state. This decision has helped in saving the income of poor people and utilized it in the development Alcohol India Prohibition. Recently, an annual marijuana legalization festival was held in Prague. The effort to enforce marijuana legalization is something that I fully support — and it seems that over time this goal could finally be achieved as society is more and more tolerant to marijuana.

Drugs Marijuana Legalization Prohibition. In , the United States of America entered World War I. During that time many resources that were made in America needed for the war were strictly dedicated to the troops more than consumers. Human Prohibition. Al Capone, Alcohol, Alcoholic beverage, Alcoholism, Amendments to the United States Constitution, American Mafia, Anti-Saloon League, Chicago, Crime, Distilled beverage. Sea Piracy has been an issue since the 15th century to the 16th century, which is dubbed to be the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is due to the lack of unified body to form an agreeable law of the sea to combat sea piracy Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. It was now illegal to import marijuana into the United States McWilliams, However, this law was ineffective in curbing marijuana use Brecher, , p. By the early s narcotic addiction had significantly reduced in the United States Harrison, Backenheimer and Inciardi, However, this was not the result of legislative initiatives. Instead, it was because World War II was cutting off the "supplies of opium from Asia and interrupt the trafficking routes from Europe" Inciardi, , p.

Several other legislative efforts in the supply reduction department served to establish more severe penalties for violations of drug laws, and tighten controls and restrictions over legally manufactured narcotic drugs Harrison, Backenheimer and Inciardi, References Recreational Drug Information. History of Drug Use U. Retrieved from the Internet at www. Brecher, E. Drug Laws and Drug Law Enforcement: A Review and Evaluation Based on Years of Experience,' Drugs and Society Drucker, Ernest. Harm Reduction: A Public Health Strategy. Current Issues in Public Health, 1: pp.

Drug Policy Alliance. February 17, Harm Reduction: Options that Work. legalizing activities such as recreational drug use that do not affect anyone other than the person who chooses to engage in the activity. In the sense that one's actions and choices always affect one's family and loved ones, the decision to take drugs impacts on their lives, but that is outside the realm of government legislation. The decision to smoke cigarettes or to skydive can also be said to affect the lives of one's loved ones, yet neither is prohibited by legislation. Recently, both individual states and the federal government have enacted laws intended to severely limit the rights of tobacco smoking in public areas, in rightful recognition of the distinction between choices to engage in certain behaviors privately and the rights of others not to be subjected to dangers or inconvenience posed by such choices.

This is the essential issue that distinguishes justifiable and unjustifiable government paternalism. Drunk driving…. On another level, paternalistic legislation might be drafted to disqualify those who engage in certain behaviors from government subsidized medical care, under the theory that one has no right to saddle the rest of society with the financial burden of paying for one's irresponsible choice to persist in behaviors known to be detrimental to health and longevity. Naturally, the same concept would apply equally to those suffering the long-term medical consequences of smoking tobacco, which currently constitutes the largest preventable cause of lung cancer, heart disease, and many other illnesses that drain public resources.

The spectrum of government paternalism spans from complete permissibility, allowing utterly reckless conduct that is injurious to others to comprehensive over- regulation, where legal penalties attach to eating junk food if one is above one's ideal weight. My first disagreement with the current illegal status of recreational drugs is that I believe it represents a position on the spectrum that is too close to over- regulation in that it prohibits activities that are or that should be purely matters of personal choice. In my opinion, mandatory seatbelt and motorcycle helmet laws infringe into issues of personal choice where there is no justification based on protecting the public at large.

Conversely, I am in favor of prohibiting seemingly innocuous activities such as operating cellular phones while driving, precisely because it increases the risk of collision with innocent people. The difference is seatbelts and helmets protect only the individual who chooses to use them, whereas distracted drivers represent a potential risk to other people as well. I also reject any claim that legalizing recreational drugs would result in an increase in crimes associated with their use, because, as I suggested earlier, the same can be said and has already been witnessed in this country in connection with 's Prohibition. Ultimately, my most fundamental objection to the current illegal status of recreational drugs is their unjustified inequality and incongruence, as compared to regulation of tobacco, alcohol, and for that matter, ropeless mountain climbing and junk food.

Regardless of any argument as to the appropriate point for anti-drug laws on the legislative spectrum between absolute permissibility and over-legislation, government regulations must, in principle, reflect uniformity and a logical consistency. Org Crime Organized crime underwrites the bulk of political, social, and economic history in America. What has often been mentioned in passing as legitimate business activities can and often should be reframed as organized crime, such as the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the colonial mercantilism that it supported Woodiwiss, When organized crime is taken out of its Hollywood context, which portrays organized crime as an immigrant problem, some patterns emerge that clarify the function and structure of organized crime in America.

Organized crime tends to flourish in "societies that experience rapid and intense social change," Albini et al. This is why the United States has been a hot spring of organized crime in various manifestations throughout the nation's history. In only a few hundred years, the United States has gone from colonial outpost to global superpower. apid change and cultural transformation foment organized crime, as do…. References Abadinsky, H. Organized Crime. Belmont: Wadsworth Albanese, J. Organized Crime in Our Times.

Burlington: Elsevier. Albini, J. et al. Russian organized crime: Its history, structure, and function. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 11 4 , Cornell University Law School. Code § -- Definitions. Drug Policy American Drug Policy: Marijuana Marijuana is one of the most vilified drugs in history and it very difficult to see just why this is so. The United States used to have a thriving agricultural concern that consisted of hemp marijuana famers producing plants for their fibers and seeds. The fibers were used in products such as rope and paper and the seeds were used to make oil which served as a lubricant and a food additive. Unfortunately, people became aware of its psychotropic properties and growing marijuana for any reason was banned.

This ban also coincided with the introduction of products that were superior to those made of hemp. The drug usage properties of marijuana had been known for centuries and it had been used in religious ceremonies and as an additive to medicines, but it could also be used in quantities that made the user completely incapacitated…. Works Cited Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau TTB. Department of Treasury, Blumenson, Eric, and Eva Nilsen. Academic Search Complete. Chilea, Dragos. Political Philosophy II: Theories of Freedom John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is one of the foundational defenses of liberal, democratic government.

According to Mill, there are certain core principles "that should regulate how governments and societies, whether democratic or not, can restrict individual liberties. However, since Mill wrote, even a number of…. Moreover, in Perry v. Louisiana, U. If one agrees that the death penalty is a just penalty for one who has committed a capital crime, and that the reason that mentally ill defendants should not be executed is because they lack competence, then it does not seem unethical to allow them to be forcibly medicated in order to be competent. After all, in that scenario, avoiding medication could be likened to any other attempt to avoid punishment.

Moreover, an organic physical disorder that arose after conviction, but that would have prevented a defendant from committing a crime, would not be sufficient reason not to execute a person on death row. However, forced medication, especially for court appearances, may violate a defendant's Fifth Amendment right to present a…. References Bonnie, R. Panetti v. Quarterman: mental illness, the death penalty, and human dignity. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, 5, Fentiman, L. Whose right is it anyway?

Rethinking competency to stand trial in light of the synthetically sane insanity defense. University of Miami Law Review, 40, Ford v. Wainwright, U. Quarterman, S. A principal, for instance, will advertise on Ed Join for, say, a third grade, second grade or whatever opening he or she has, screen and hire the candidates, and then notify Personnel. At the io Linda Union School District, job candidates still bring in their applications in person. They bring portfolios to interviews. Not nearly as much is done online, in the screening and hiring processes, as it is at within other districts nowadays.

The io Linda Union School District's still-centralized hiring, according to Barker, allows for greater consistency in hiring. Barker also added, however, that unlike in the past, she now considers it best for principals to select their own new hires from a pool of recently hired candidates, in order to best meet the needs of, and have the best fit with, that principal's own school. This, Barker said, is because unlike in the past, schools today must…. References Barker, B. October 17, Rio Linda Union School District Office, California. Certificated Personnel BP October 30, California school boards association. He admits that he killed her but he states that it was an accident. In an event in which the result is death the defense of involuntary manslaughter is available if the defense can show that it was not an intentional killing.

He also used a partial wrestling defense. He was not allowed to use a complete wrestling defense because the professional wrestlers who were asked to testify to the moves that Tate had seen on television and how they were done refused to testify. The judge did not order them to testify but did allow tapes to be shown of the moves that Tate said he performed on his friend. Tate's attorneys could have also used a manslaughter defense. Manslaughter can be used when a death occurred, the defendant knew that his or her actions might cause injury but they were not anticipating a death. In the case of…. On the legalization of pot.. Marijuana in the context of the Tenth Amendment There is much controversy regarding the Constitution and the power it has over the people, taking into account that many individuals believe that the federal government does not have the Constitutional authority to prevent cities and states from legalizing the use of marijuana regardless of the purpose of the substance's use.

The possession of Marijuana is banned under federal law. However, when considering that the prohibition era saw alcohol banned under a Constitutional amendment, it would appear that a federal law should not be considered enough to prevent states or cities to legalize the use of marijuana. A great deal of individuals both smokers and non-smokers believe that the federal government is wrong in trying to force individuals to take on particular…. Works cited: Ducat, Craig, R. And Other Controversial Essays," Hoover Press, idolatry: How some object or text discovered by archeologists, or some other type of cultural or literary parallel, enhances our understanding of something in Exodus Prospectus: dolatry in the ancient Near East -- a non-Exodus Perspective Over the course of the past several decades in modernity, numerous objects as well as the actual substances of texts discovered by archaeologists, have contributed to the modern understanding of the characterization of so-called 'idol worship' in Exodus as well as other Hebrew texts, texts that have come to have been canonized as 'The Hebrew Bible," as referred to by members of the Jewish religion, or 'The Old Testament,' as such books are frequently referred to by members of the Christian faith.

Up until this point in time, the way that ancient sraelites perceived idol worship held dominance how the people who worshipped idols saw idol worship. However, the Bible frequently mischaracterizes these other…. In Exodus , the song sung by the Israelites, asking who of "our Lord" is better" among the Gods" suggests a sense that there are other gods present in the world, albeit not superior to their own, liberating force. Anderson, "Although it does not rule out the theoretical possibility that other gods might exist, it asserts as a practical orientation the fact that only one god can be worshipped," Anderson and that god is to be worshipped in a special fashion.

In stories of Baal, a storm-like God of the Canaanites who defeats the chaos of that eventually gives birth to humanity, some scholars believe that Psalm 29 was originally a hymn to that God that was later adapted by Israelites, changing the name of the god to their own. Anderson, This sense of closeness of other faiths and possible competition intensified the need to reject other religions of 'idolatry. In other words, the history of Biblical Israel differs from the study of the Bible as a canonical text today. The intensity of the rejection of other religions should not be read as a condemnation of Israeli temple Judaism. Rather, it is an acknowledgement of the creative religious dynamic that existed at the time. The Israeli religion was to replace the sacred space of the idolized body with the body of the temple, and the ritual rhythms of investing the material substance of idols with the sacred space and temporal, seasonal rituals of sacrifice and the replacement of sacrifice with animal, rather than human offerings, is often taken to be the essential narrative of the Abraham myth.

Sacrifice has also provided, in a highly public manner, the ability to dramatize the service of a people to God. Perhaps, in contrast to such mouth-opening ceremonies, where the act of accessing the divine was willed, the sacrifice that the ancient Hebrews eventually adopted was a way of dramatizing subservience rather than dominance. Anti-Miscegnation Statutes in the United States Anti-Miscegenation Statutes in the United States Previous to Loving v. Virginia, there were several cases on the subject of miscegenation. In Pace v. Alabama , the Supreme Court made a ruling that the conviction of an Alabama couple for interracial sex, confirmed on the plea by the Alabama Supreme Court, did not disrupt the Fourteenth Amendment. Interracial marital sex was considered a felony, whereas adulterous sex "infidelity or fornication" was just a misdemeanor.

On plea, the United States Supreme Court made a ruling that the illegalization of interracial sex was not a defilement of the equal protection clause since whites and non-whites were penalized in equivalent amount for the wrongdoing of involving in interracial sex. The court did not see the need to sustain the constitutionality of the prohibition on interracial marriage that was likewise part of Alabama's anti-miscegenation law. After Pace v. Gambino Drug Family. This paper will mirror the Gambino's nationwide and international structure and operating techniques relating to the drug business. Likewise a contrast of the Gambino's from their past to present function in prohibition, drug nexus, political corruption, and various other criminal activities will be analyzed.

Gradually, the Gambino household had different business interests that made them much more noteworthy in the Italian Mafia. The paper will also assess various law enforcement tools, which can be used to against this drug family. National and international structure and operating approaches related to the drug business The Gambino's drug business structure and operating approaches come from really sturdy links with the Sicilian Drug trade Critchley, Till , there were no genuine laws or borders against the drug market in the U. Critchley, The Boylan anti-drug Law, enacted by the…. References Bruno, A. The Gambino Family. html Buscaglia, E. Controlling Organized Crime and Corruption in the Public Sector.

pdf Critchley, D. The Origin of Organized Crime in America: the New York City Mafia, London: Rutledge. Find Law. Prostitution and Feminism: Questions for a Modern Society In answer to the question of whether prostitution is just another line of work, the most comprehensive and simplest answer is to say, no, it is not. The reason for this is that there are too many complexities associated with prostitution -- not just ethical and moral issues -- but also social, legal, economic, political, safety, and theoretical issues that color the sex industry. True, one could argue that any field of labor or industry could be discussed using the same terms, but the issue with prostitution is that it is a term that can be used without being properly defined.

As Hallie Rose Liberto points out, when feminists discuss prostitution, they are discussing much more than the sex trade: they are discussing women's rights, women's alienation, women's health, and women's equality. Before discussing crimes regarding sexuality, it is important to distinguish between those laws that are currently enforced and those that are not being actively enforced. For example, there are some laws that still punish engaging in consensual homosexual behavior, certain consensual sexual acts committed in privacy between adults in non-commercial transactions, or the use of sexual aids.

While these laws exist, the fact is that there simply is not a push towards the investigation, prosecution, or punishment of these crimes. On the contrary, even challenges to the constitutionality of these laws often only arise after those who oppose such laws have arranged for an arrest and prosecution. Therefore, it is improper to consider this category of crime in a discussion of overcriminalization. However, law enforcement, prosecution, and the judiciary do expend a tremendous amount of energy targeting commercial sexual transactions.

Opponents of this cite the fact that many of those…. References Luna, E. The overcriminalization phenomenon. American University Law Review, 54, Richards, D. Sex, drugs, death, and the law: an essay on human rights and overcriminalization. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, Inc. The Sawm is the Fourth Pillar of Islam and it teaches Muslims in regard to fasting refraining from eating or drinking. The Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar year and is believed to be the most important period of the year in Muslim tradition. Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, or engage in sexual intercourse throughout daylight hours every day during the Ramadan.

The person who abstains from eating, drinking, and sex during daylight hours at Ramadan also has to be moral, as any sort of immorality makes the fasting pointless. The Fifth Pillar is the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. People understand this pilgrimage as a physical and spiritual journey to the holiest place in Islam. The Islamic world promotes the belief that any person who is a Muslim and who is physically able to travel to Mecca should do so at least once in…. htm Penney, Sue, "Islam," Heinemann, Ridenour, Fritz, "So What's the Difference? The break between the hiis those who considered Ali to be legitimate ruler of the nation and the unnis those who revered Muhammad and all four rashidun occurred during this period.

Mystic Islam best known as ufism , or esoteric groups were born during this period as well as Muslim philosophy. The key difference between unnis and hiites is that unnis believe that the first four caliphs were rightful successors to Mohamed and that caliphs should be chosen by the whole community. The alafi sect otherwise notoriously known as Wahabbissm is an extreme Islamic movement derived from unnism. hiites, on the other hand, believe in the…. Sources Armstrong, K. Islam: A Short History The Modern Library: UK. Brown, D. Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought Cambridge: Cambridge Univ,.

Press Goldschmidt, A. In the city of Medina, Muhammad united the warring tribes. Following eight years of fighting Mecca tribes the Muslims conquered Mecca. In the year , after returning to Medina from a farewell pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad became ill and died. At the time of his death, almost all of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to the Islamic faith. He had united the Arabian tribes into a single Muslim religious polity hegemon ibid, The revelations Muhammad reported receiving until his death in form the body of the Qur'an, regarded by Muslims as the "ord of God" and around which the Muslim religion is built upon.

In addition to the Qur'an, Muhammad's life and traditions are observed by Muslims. These stories discuss Muhammad and the other prophets with reverence, adding the phrase peace be upon him whenever his name is mentioned. His life and deeds have been debated and criticized…. Works Cited Braswell, G. What you need to know about islam and muslims. Goldschmidt, A. A concise history of the middle east. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Email to my friend to help her establish a legal Internet site Dear friend: I understand that you want to set up a legal internet site, and I think your intentions are honorable. Setting up such a site can be a challenge not only in the technical sense of the word, but also in the legal sense since there are some legal strictures that must be met.

Bidder's Edge ended up having to pay for its offense. It would certainly be beneficial, therefore, for us to examine relevant minutiae of its case and see how we can avoid similar problems. Firstly: what did Bidder's Edge do that was different than…. Legal issues surrounding web sites can be quite complex, and BitLaw 'A resource on technology Law' , for instance, has quite a few pages devoted to this topic. Bitlaw's summary of these issues should be of help to you here. html Good luck to you in designing your website, Your friend.. father's death and her father requesting that treatment be accorded him so that he speedily is delivered from his pain, Ms.

Wolf is faced with the dilemma of whether or not to accede. Always a staunch opponent of any euthanasia-assisted program, she realized that the choice was not so simple and that sometimes suicide or euthanasia exists in the gray zone. Ultimately, nature, as she puts it, helped her out and her father lingered on long enough to enjoy his last remaining moments with her and die comfortably and at peace. In those last few hours, she sang to him, reminisced about his time with her, they shared loving and tender recollections he moved his jaw three times inferring that he loved her ; the father had a chance to see his other loved ones and his death was more of a closure.

More so, during that period of time, he…. Sources Hare, R. Moral Thinking, U. K: Oxford, Kant, I. Groundwork for the metaphysics of morals New Haven: Yale University Press, Sharon, G. Sharon: the life of a leader. New York: Harper, c One lesson from this case might be that laws between entities in different sovereign nations can be much harder to enforce than laws between entities within the same nation. In the future, Pakistan and other nations might want to make sure that their contractual agreements contain mechanisms that make them enforceable across international borders. On a broader level, another lesson might be that ill-gotten gains should not be promoted by governments in the first place. Those who believe in the supremacy of divine law might consider the position in which Pakistan found herself to be an example of God's reminding us of the obligation to conduct ourselves ethically toward our fellow man.

eferences Creffield, Lisa. References Creffield, Lisa. html Halbert, Terry and Ingulli, Elaine. Cincinnati: West Legal Studies. Monopolies and Trusts: Appropriate Areas for Government Intervention? Capitalism is the economic system that has dominated the United States virtually since the day of its independence. A social and economic system based on the recognition of individual rights; capitalism demands that owners' rights to control, enjoy, and dispose of their own property must be respected. In a capitalist system, the purpose of government is to protect individual economic rights, and to make sure that no one individual, or group may employ physical or coercive force upon any other group or individual.

The success of capitalism is well evident. The surpluses that this system produces have enabled individuals to experiment; to create new products, and market new ideas. These private surpluses are traded in a free market in direct competition with other buyers and sellers. Such competition is best represented by the efforts of two or more parties acting independently to…. This act enlarged the labels on the cigarettes, and required that the labels on cigarettes and cigarette ads say things like,. Cause lung cancer may complicate pregnancy quitting smoking now greatly reduces hazards to your health may result in low birth weight and fetal injury. And yet we keep legislating, when then proof shows that what we are doing is not working.

Our discussion of vice-based legislation now brings us to the subject of fattening foods. In , a lawyer in New York filed suit against the four…. Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking-Attributable Mortality and Years of Potential Life Lost-United States, MMWR Department of Health and Human Services. Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: U. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Federal Trade Commission Request for Comments Concerning Regulations Implementing the Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco Health Education Act of Accessed [March 7, ].

htm " Health Canada New Cigarette labeling Measures. National Cancer Institute. Cigars Health Effects and Trends. Smoking and Tobacco Control Monograph No. Bethesda MD : U. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Publication No. Euthanasia Is Illegal Euthanasia otherwise known as assisted suicide refers to the painless extermination of a patient suffering from terminal illnesses or painful or incurable disease. The techniques used in euthanasia induce numerous artifacts such as shifts in regional brain chemistry, liver metabolism and epinephrine levels causing death.

Advocates of euthanasia trust that sparing a patient needless suffering or pain is a good thing. If an individual is hopelessly hurt or ill with no hope of ever getting well, if such a person is in an unending and unbearable pain and cannot experience the things that make life meaningful, the best option for such patients is euthanasia. Euthanasia raises questions on morals, legal and essence of…. Work Cited Baird, R. Caring for the Dying: critical issues at the edge of life. New York: Prometeus Books , pp. Euthanasia: The Debate over the right to die. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Oct 1, Cohen-Almagor, R.

Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The policy and practice of mercy killing. Netherlands: Springer, Aug 3, Devettere, Raymond. Practical decision making in health care ethics: Cases and concepts. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press, Global Business Cultural Analysis Nigeria Nigerian History Synopsis of Nigerian government Nigerian monarchy to presidential system The evolution of Nigeria from British control to a civilian democratic government Nigerian major commodities Oil Food The major elements and dimensions of culture in Nigeria Cultural dimensions Individualism Power distance Masculinity Uncertainty Model of culture Universalism or Particularize How is the integration of elements and dimensions that Nigerians doing business in the country?

The effects of governments on the prospects for its business around the world How the elements and dimensions compared with the United States, culture, and business? The role of women in the workplace Business visitors must be dressed in an elegant and tie for men! Cross-cultural business transactions between the United States and Nigeria Conclusion eferences Abstract Thurstan Shaw and Steve Daniels, who are the founder for archaeological research proved in their research that Nigeria has been developed since 9,…. References Afolayan, T. Coming To America: The Social and Economic Mobility of African Immigrants in the United States.

Inquiry University of New Hampshire , Retrieved from EBSCO host. Unethical Practices in Nigerian Engineering Industries: Complications for Project Management. Journal of Management in Engineering, 25 1 , Doi: American Civil ight Movement Compare and contrast the Southern Christian Leadership Conference SCLC and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC on the basis of their leadership, philosophy, and tactics. Philosophy Southern Christian Leadership Conference SCLC was a civil rights organization that was initiated by African-Americans in Fairclough, The movement was primarily aimed at ending the segregation and discrimination against the black African population in the U. The core philosophy of SCLC revolved around to seek civil rights and economic justice for the people of Southern States having majority of African-Americans.

Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee SNCC actually aimed achieving same objectives as those of SCLC but through non-violent sit-in and defiance of segregated dining and lunch services. The core philosophy of SNCC was also eliminating segregation but the mission statement was narrower compared to SCLC. Leadership The most prominent leader of SCLC was Martin Luther King, Jr. Other prominent…. References Dyson, M. April 4, Martin Luther King, Jr. Basic Books. Fairclough, A. To Redeem the Soul of America: The Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Martin Luther King, Jr. University of Georgia Press. pdf] Sundquist, J.

Politics and Policy: The Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Years. Brookings Institution Press. Police Systems and Practices Question Set Discuss how temperament can impair communication? The ability control one's temperament at all times while working as a police officer is crucial to the performance of daily duties, because there are many instances when law enforcement personnel may be provoked to reaction in a purposeful manner. If an officer is unable to refrain from responding to insults in kind, or begins to yell or otherwise express anger, the course of an investigation or civilian interaction will become irrevocably altered. Simply put, ordinary people are less willing to cooperate with police officers and other authority figures who are openly frustrated, angry, spiteful, impatient, or otherwise perturbed -- so it is imperative that maintaining an even-keeled temperament become both a departmental and personal priority.

Discuss how failure of supervisors to act can impede future communication from subordinates. A police officer's locker room is like any other…. Strauss on Moral Relativism The Shifting Sand of Moral Relativism Current political and social thought which is built on the foundation of moral relativism can no more chart a path for a nation to follow out of confusion into an enlightened and orderly society any more than a blind man can describe an elephant, or a child can pilot a airliner. The tools, talents, skills, and abilities of moral relativism are completely inadequate for leading a nation. As can be seen by the steady social and societal decay which has been evident in our county since political and moral relativism have become the dominantly accepted social understanding since the early 's, the fruit of such a philosophy pits one group against another, one segment of the population against another without giving them any shared basis to build upon.

Bibliography Connor, Ken. Fighting for a Virtuous Nation. Immigrants for America. Accessed 19 March Guerra, Marc. The Ambivalence of Classic Natural Right: Leo Strauss on Philosophy, Morality, and Statesmanship. Perspectives on Political Science, Vol. John Petrie's collection of Benjamine Franklin Quotes. Liberalism, ancient and modern. Cornell University Press. They have been around since shortly after Hurricane Charlie struck Jamaica, back in Gunst, Jamaicans with gang violence in mind came to the United States in , and began their activities in that country as early as Gunst, Gun battles with police and drive-by shootings with rival gangs were common, generally based on arguments over drugs and territory.

In , the posses started to attract the attention of law enforcement. Southern Florida was one of the most common places to find them, with the Shower Posse and the Spangler Posse being the most notable of the gangs at that time Gunst, Those two gangs are still the most prominent today, and they have a bitter rivalry with one another. Anyone who happens to get caught up in their violence, even…. References Gunst, L. Born fi' dead: A journey through the Jamaican posse underworld. NY: Holt. Schatzberg, R. African-American organized crime: A social history. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Economists are concerned with the impact that the sale of drugs has on both individual and economic freedoms and frame their argument from this perspective.

Others argue that reliance on the criminal justice system has not produced significant results and that it is time to reframe the argument to focus on the education, prevention, and treatment of drugs. From the economic perspective, there are apparent differences between government prohibition and legalization of drugs. These figures are also significant in state and local law enforcement agencies with drug related incidents making up one fifth of the total investigative resources and drug enforcement activities. In fact, ten percent of all arrests are…. References Millhorn, M. North Americans' attitudes toward illegal drugs. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 19 2 , The economics of drug prohibition and drug legalization.

Social Research, 68 3 , National Institute on Drug Abuse The economic cost of alcohol and drug abuse in the United States. National Institute of Health Publication, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. National household survey on drug abuse main findings, Drug Legalization This week, Columbian drug smugglers surgically opened six Labrador retriever and Rottweiler puppies and stuffed packets of heroin inside their bellies. Countless human beings have willingly stuck packages of illegal substances into any available bodily orifice or swallowed unknown quantities only to pass them out later. These instances indicate the grimly extreme lengths drug smugglers are willing to go in order to circumvent American drug prohibition laws. Drug trafficking is one of the world's most dangerous businesses; trafficking is intimately connected to crimes ranging from theft to murder to terrorism.

In an article in Canadian paper the National Post, Ted Carpenter notes that both leftist and rightist paramilitary groups have "been financed largely by that country's cocaine trade. hat anti-drug crusaders refuse to acknowledge…. Works Cited Carpenter, Ted Galen. Ostrowski, James Constitution began yet another short-lived experiment with prohibition, only this time it was on a national level. hen it went into effect in January , efforts to repeal the 18th Amendment began almost immediately. In a whirlwind of legislative activity, the 21st Amendment was ratified by the requisite number of states in record time. In their haste to repeal the 18th Amendment, though, lawmakers failed to consider the impact of section two as it might apply to interstate commerce in the Age of Information, but given the heated nature of the debate at the time, they can perhaps be forgiven this legislative oversight in the 21st century.

All in all, though, the research clearly showed that the U. Constitution remains a living document that is capable of responding to changes in American society. orks Cited Bryce, Jenny. Eng, Gordon. Works Cited Bryce, Jenny. Kyvig, David E. Law, Alcohol, and Order: Perspectives on National Prohibition. Livingston, William S. Federalism and Constitutional Change. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Ten Commandments, The Torah, And Judaism When people speak of the Judeo-Christian tradition and the development of ethical values and mores, they frequently cite the Ten Commandments as an example of commonality between Judaism and Christian.

In fact, the proponents of such an argument contend that the Ten Commandments represent one of the first attempts at codification of the law. As such, the argument continues, it is valid for those commandments to govern the behavior of people, whether they are Jews, Christians, or another religion. Such an argument fails to acknowledge that there is a significant difference in how the Ten Commandments are viewed by people in the two religions. To Christians, the Ten Commandments are a simple list of things to do or to avoid. Compliance with the Ten Commandments is necessary and sufficient to keep one within the grace of God.

In contrast, to Jews, the Ten Commandments…. adults have an episode or two from their youth of which they are not extremely proud. Perhaps it involved sneaking a beer or several beers at a social function, or lying about one's plans for the evening to get permission to attend a questionable event. Most kids have learned the hard way on at least a few experiences -- speeding, missing curfew, or cheating on a test. Younger children are taught that taking a pack of gum from the store without paying for it is wrong, and that there are certain words on television that they shouldn't repeat in school. e accept these facts of life fairly easily; minors aren't mentally or socially equipped to know how they should behave all of the time.

Children have to be taught about social mores, and teenagers test authority without considering the consequences in a way that most adults would. Lawbreaking -- whether…. Works Cited Primary Atkins v. Virginia, , U. State, P. Etiology of Campus Binge Drinking Drinking and Alcoholism A Failed Experiment in Social Control The consumption of alcohol has always been a focus of government efforts to limits its use, due to the potential for abuse, the financial burden imposed upon social programs, and its association with criminal activity. Between and the consumption of alcohol was outlawed in the United States, with the intention of addressing these social problems. Given the infamous criminal activity that emerged around the…. References Amethyst Initiative. Amethyst Initiative: Rethinking the drinking age.

Alcohol-Use Disorder criteria and "binge" drinking in undergraduates. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, Grucza, Richard A. Binge drinking among youths and young adults in the United States: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 48, Leppel, Karen. College binge drinking: Deviant vs. mainstream behavior. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 32, Legalizing marijuana would also generate much-needed tax revenues that can be spent on precisely those two things. From an economic or financial perspective, the legalization of marijuana will also help grow small businesses and thus can alleviate the problems associated with the current economic crisis.

Low start-up costs for a marijuana grow operation also mean that low-income families and entrepreneurs can earn extra income in a legitimate way. Marijuana should be made legal because Americans value personal freedoms, too. It makes no sense for alcohol and Xanax to be legal but not marijuana. Marijuana, when made legal, can be regulated in the same way that alcohol and prescription drugs are. Police will not be wasting their time busting people for possessing a plant. Instead, pharmacists…. Works Cited Armentano, Paul. shtml Drug Policy Alliance. Economic consequences of the war on drugs. cfm "Legalization of Marijuana. Participants are also protected by prohibiting employers from deducting costs from their tax liability of not complying with ERIA6.

Both ERIA and the Prudent Investor Rule prohibit certain types of transactions. According to Laura Jordan6, the U.. labor secretary has the power to grand exemptions from prohibitive rules under ERIA. When such exemption is not granted and fiduciaries engage in prohibitive activities regardless, the result could be liability to repay losses, return profits, and IR penalty taxes. ERIA includes considerably more prohibitive rules than the Prudent Investor Rule. ome of these include a prohibition from engaging in transactions that are a direct sale of property between the plan and interested party; a loan or credit extension; furnishing of goods, services or facilities; or a transfer to a party of interest that will result in benefit to such a party.

Among others, further prohibitions include any form of self-interest in the…. Sources Aalberts, Robert J.

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